Monday 3 December 2012

Nursery Rhymes with a Twist!

We have had so much fun over the last few weeks, looking at classic nursery rhymes and adding our own twist!
We started with....

Children looked at Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night and took notice of the way the buildings and trees looked in his painting. They especially enjoyed the
 "swirly starred sky"!

We talked about what it means to be a STAR and the things we do in our everyday life that make us unique and special.  We talked about how we contribute at home, special skills we have and things that are meaningful to us.

And then came Humpty......

And our own versions "with a twist"!

Working with a partner, many of the children also created get-well cards for Humpty Dumpty, who was healing in the egg hospital. Please check these out when you come in for your Student-Led Conferences, they are worth the read!

We then had a good look at Mary and her Little Lamb. We listened to the entire rhyme, all 10 or so verses, which Sheila apparently had catalouged in her brain! Children were surprised to know there was more to the story than the well-known first few verses. We had a look at several books that had various endings and additions and compared the different versions. Students wrote and illustrated a story map depicting the key elements of the story. Older and younger partners worked together, each making use of their own skills!

A mural was created in each room with each child taking on a different part and then being able to watch the magic as it all came together. What beautiful masterpieces!! Make sure to ask your child about their contribution, big or small.

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